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The Rolling Stones

Undercover CD

With Afro-Cuban percussion and dub textures scattered throughout, Undercover sounds like a soundtrack to a bloody Caribbean coup d'etat. The machine-gun rattle of Linn drums on "Feel on Baby," the viciously dubbed-out guitars of the title track, and Jagger's reliance on sado- masochism as a central lyrical theme ("Tie You Up" and "Pretty Beat Up" being the most obvious examples) add to the notion that the Stones were reflecting a world gone wrong back upon it's audience. But past it's bleakness, Undercover is among the last exciting bits of music the Stones ventured to make.


1. Undercover of the Night
2. She Was Hot
3. Tie You Up (The Pain of Love)
4. Wanna Hold You
5. Feel on Baby
6. Too Much Blood
7. Pretty Beat Up
8. Too Tough
9. All the Way Down
10. It Must Be Hell

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