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The Rolling Stones

Let It Bleed (50th Anniversary Edition) LP

The Rolling Stones’ groundbreaking multi-platinum selling album Let It Bleed was released in late 1969, charting at #1 in the UK and #3 in the US. The Rolling Stones, at this point already a critically and commercially dominant force, composed and recorded their eighth long player (tenth for the U.S.) amidst both geopolitical and personal turmoil. The second of four Rolling Stones albums made with producer Jimmy Miller (Traffic, Blind Faith), Let It Bleed perfectly captures the ominous spirit of the times with “Gimme Shelter,” the opening track.


Side A
1. Gimme Shelter
2. Love In Vain
3. Country Honk
4. Live with Me
5. Let It Bleed

Side B
1. Midnight Rambler
2. You Got the Silver
3. Monkey Man
4. You Can’t Always Get What You Want

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