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The Rolling Stones

Aftermath (UK) LP

The Rolling Stones 1966 album Aftermath represented a milestone for the band as it was the first to consist solely of Jagger/Richards original songs. It also strongly featured the remarkably wry, observant songwriting of "Mother's Little Helper" and the baroque charm of "Lady Jane." The album showcases Brian Jones' versatility as an instrumentalist. He's heard playing bells, dulcimer, harpsichord, marimba, and sitar, as well as guitar and harmonica. 180-gram LP.


Side A
1. Mother's Little Helper
2. Stupid Girl
3. Lady Jane
4. Under My Thumb
5. Doncha Bother Me
6. Going Home

Side B
1. Flight 505
2. High and Dry
3. Out of Time
4. It's Not Easy
5. I Am Waiting
6. Take It or Leave It
7. Think
8. What to Do

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