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The Rolling Stones

12X5 LP

The Rolling Stones' second U.S. full-length release, 12 x 5, was originally released in October 1964. It combines the Five by Five EP (recorded at Chess Studios in Chicago) with the singles "It's All Over Now" and "Time Is on My Side," and their associated B-sides. The way in which they interpreted these songs informed the hard blues and R&B wing of the British Invasion in the ensuing years. 180-gram black vinyl.


Side A
1. Around And Around
2. Confessin’ The Blues
3. Empty Heart
4. Time Is On My Side
5. Good Times, Bad Times
6. It’s All Over Now

Side B
1. 2120 South Michigan Avenue
2. Under The Boardwalk
3. Congratulations
4 Grown Up Wrong
5. If You Need Me
6. Susie Q

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