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The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones Singles 1963-1966 [7" Single Box Set]

A comprehensive, chronological overview of The Rolling Stones’ early career as pop chart hitmakers. Contains 18 vinyl 7” 45 RPM singles and E.P.s in original picture sleeves, a 32-page book with liner notes by Rolling Stones authority Nigel Williamson, plus set of 5 photo cards and a poster, all housed in a hard-shell box. Limited Edition box set.


Disc One
Side A:
1. Come On
Side B:
1. I Want To Be Loved [Mono]

Disc Two
Side A:
1. I Wanna Be Your Man [Mono]
Side B:
1. Stoned [Mono]

Disc Three
Side A:
1. Bye Bye Johnny [Mono]
2. Money [Mono]
Side B:
1. You Better Move On [Mono]
2. Poison Ivy [Version 2/Mono]

Disc Four
Side A:
1. Not Fade Away
Side B:
1. Little By Little [Mono]

Disc Five
Side A:
1. Tell Me [Single Version]
Side B:
1. I Just Want To Make Love To You [Mono]

Disc Six
Side A:
1. It's All Over Now
Side B:
1. Good Times, Bad Times [Mono]

Disc Seven
Side A:
1. If You Need Me [Mono]
2. Empty Heart [Mono]
3. 2120 South Michigan Avenue [Mono]
Side B:
1. Confessin' The Blues [Mono]
2. Around And Around [Mono]

Disc Eight
Side A:
1. Time Is On My Side [Version1/Mono]
Side B:
1. Congratulations [Mono]

Disc Nine
Side A:
1. Little Red Rooster
Side B:
1. Off The Hook [Mono]

Disc Ten
Side A:
1. Heart Of Stone
Side B:
1. What A Shame [Mono]

Disc Eleven
Side A:
1. The Last Time
Side B:
1. Play With Fire [Mono]

Disc Twelve
Side A:
1. We Want The Stones [Live]
2. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love [Live]
3. Pain In My Heart [Live]
4. Route 66 [Live]
Side B:
1. I'm Moving On [Live]
2. I'm Alright [Live]

Disc Thirteen
Side A:
1. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Side B:
1. The Under Assistant West Coast Promo Man [Single Version/Mono]

Disc Fourteen
Side A:
1. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Side B:
1. The Spider And The Fly [Mono]

Disc Fifteen
Side A:
1. Get Off Of My Cloud
Side B:
1. I'm Free [Mono]

Disc Sixteen
Side A:
1. Get Off Of My Cloud
Side B:
1. The Singer Not The Song [Mono]

Disc Seventeen
Side A:
1. As Tears Go By
Side B:
1. Gotta Get Away [Mono]

Disc Eighteen
Side A:
1. 19th Nervous Breakdown
Side B:
1. Sad Day [Mono]

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