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The Rolling Stones

England's Newest Hit Makers LP

With Beatlemania and the British Invasion in full swing, the Rolling Stones were announced as "England's Newest Hit Makers." Released to coincide with their arrival in New York on June 1, 1964, where they began their first U.S. tour. Describing the album, Keith Richard said it "reflected what we used to play at the Crawdaddy - a regular diet of Jimmy Reed, Bo Diddley, Muddy Waters with some Slim Harpo. The album was the cream of the set." Available on 180-gram black vinyl LP.


Side A
1. Not Fade Away
2. Route 66
3. I Just Want to Make Love to You
4. Honest I Do
5. Now I've Got a Witness
6. Little By Little

Side B
1. I'm a King Bee
2. Carol
3. Tell Me
4. Can I Get a Witness
5. You Can Make It If You Try
6. Walking the Dog

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